Me, trying to look all serious.

“Perfectionism is insecurity with lipstick on.” – Gary V

This post puts me back in the blogging world. Not exactly an earth shattering topic, but certainly an important one on a personal level. I’ve been telling myself for years to start regularly writing and posting again. 

What should I write about? Politics again? No, there is probably too much of that. Photography? I don’t know that I’m good enough to teach anything. Concert coverage? Religion? Philosophy? Sports? What about my Youtube channels? I never post on the vlog channel (remember the ‘learning guitar’ nonsense?), and I have three episodes of Relentless Americana that I never bothered to finish. Indecision haunts me and leads to no decision, which is the worst thing of all.

So I begin posting today without real direction other than practice. I will post a few times per week, often with photos. Topics will be whatever I feel like covering: music, photography, thoughts and wisdoms, Youtube links, product endorsements, concert reviews, an occasional current events topic.

Get in the habit of posting.

Learn WordPress again.

Write about what comes to mind.

Develop better habits, better discipline, better skills.

This is step one. On to step 2.

me, trying to look all serious.
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